
  Confabulation occurs when people fill in gaps in their memory with fabricated or distorted details that they mistakenly believe to be true (Clare & Gudjonsson, 1993). This behavior is often unintentional and can arise from various factors. For example,...

Foundations of Psychology/psy 203T

175 words When reviewing the major psychological perspectives in Ch. 1, which perspective can you identify with the most? Why? What is an example from your personal life or career of how the perspective would explain human behavior? Why are ethics important in...


  In 450–500 words, address the following: Learning From Experiences Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. Reflect on the three (3) most...

Discussion Board

 Chapter 13 Reflection Questions (Choose 1-3 questions to Reflect Upon) What would be some of the indicators that prompt you to use psychodrama? Have you ever experienced psychodrama? If so, what emotions and thoughts came up for you? If not, what emotions and...

Mental health

Assistance with summary  1. one individual residing in a assisted living facility. refusing to see a behavioral health counselor. Has history of trauma. how can you use motivational interviewing or role play to get her to open up about trauma and seeing a...

Changing Behaviors

Think of a behavior you engage in you would like to change. Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior. For the last part, describe how operant conditioning differs from...