Week 2 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion

Critically Examining the Literature

This week, we will discuss how to critically examine peer-reviewed literature. First, access the Capella University Library database and select a peer-reviewed journal article on a topic of interest. Use either the SQ3R or SOAR method introduced on page 45 of your Evaluating Research text to evaluate the article.

Then choose ONE topic option to respond to for the discussion this week. Remember to support your thoughts and findings with our required readings, activities, or research using APA format.

  • Discuss how you evaluated your chosen article using either the SQ3R or SOAR method. Examine the strengths and limitations of your approach along with suggestions on how to strengthen your critical thinking skills.
  • Discuss the usefulness of applying the SQ3R or SOAR method to understand and analyze research articles and materials. How does the evaluation method increase your ability to engage in critical thinking skills? In what ways will this approach help you when reading future research articles?
  • What outside resource (image, video, article, research study, self-recording) can you find that addresses how to critically assess the literature? Share the link within your post. Why did you pick this item to share? Explain how this resource strengthens your ability to more deeply critically analyze research.